How you can drive up home value by investing in appliances When most homeowners hear that, they immediately think about the sorts of renovations they could undertake, such as replacing carpet with hardwood or adding on an accessory dwelling unit (mother-in-law apartment). Many homeowners fail to realize, however, that appliances can also drive up a home's value, often dramatically. Why appliances drive up the value of a home More and more, homeowners recognize the aesthetic and quality-of-life improvements that good appliances can make in a home. On a purely visual level, certain styles of appliances can greatly improve the beauty of a living space, enhancing that open-house experience for potential buyers. Current projections expect the household appliances market to reach $763.45 billion, a 5.4% compound annual growth rate, by 2025. People are on the market for aesthetic, cutting-edge and functional appliances. On a practical level, appliances that use smar...