Summer Laundry Tips

Simple cleanup tricks for grass, mud, sand and whatever else comes your way. It's summer, which means the kids are home from school. It also means they're free to run wild through grass, mud and whatever else they can find to make your life as a parent a bit more complicated. Nobody likes seeing their kid run through the door covered in grass stains, but we all know avoiding summer messes is almost impossible unless you're Rapunzel's parent. Understanding how to get rid of common summer stains can help you and your kids have a cleaner (and less stressful) summer. Summer laundry tips There are a few messes you'll probably run into throughout the summer: Grass. Whether it's from a soccer match or a spill in the grass, grass stains can be frustrating. You want to tackle them as quickly as possible-the more time the stain has to set in, the harder it will be to remove. To remove a grass stain from clothes, the following steps should get the job do...