How to choose the right grill for your outdoor kitchen

A beautiful grill should be the centerpiece in any outdoor kitchen. Not only can a good grill open your family dinners to new recipes, it can let you host entertaining events that guests will remember for years.
Whether it's a family reunion or a dinner for two, there's nothing better than the sound of sizzling food on a hot outdoor grill. Let's explore what you should take into consideration when selecting the perfect grill for your outdoor kitchen.

Choose the type of grill you want

The first thing you'll want to decide is whether you want a charcoal, gas or electric grill. Here's a quick rundown of the three types and their benefits:
             Charcoal - If you're planning on grilling food that will take a while to cook (chicken breasts, kabob, or steak) a charcoal grill is probably your best bet. The wood that charcoal grills use allows them to produce different flavors of smoke, making them ideal for infusing meat with that extra hit of flavor. A low- to medium-cost grill will also typically outsear and outsmoke a gas or electric grill by a wide margin.
             Gas - If you're looking for a beautiful-yet-affordable all-purpose gas grill, the Napoleon may just have your name on it. Gas grills are perfect for all of your standard barbecue foods, such as hot dogs and hamburgers. In addition, high-end gas grills often outperform charcoal when it comes to searing or cooking meals such as pulled pork or slow ribs.
             Electric - What electric grills lack in power, they make up for it in convenience and ease of use. They can be used in apartments or other settings that prohibit gas or charcoal grills, making them great for young or on-the-move homeowners.
Note: if you love smoking meat, you may want to check out pellet grills such as these by Traeger. They're probably the best smokers around, and they provide great temperature control.

What you should know before purchasing an outdoor grill

There are only two factors that should play into your choice of grill: what space you'll be grilling in, and what kind of food you'll be grilling.
As mentioned, apartments, condos and certain outdoor or residential areas may prohibit the use of charcoal or gas grills. If you live in a smaller space or if you're unsure of your neighborhood's grilling rules, speak with a landlord or a member of the local homeowner's association.
Next, consider where you're cooking. What size is your outdoor kitchen? For example, if it's in an enclosed space that lacks good airflow, a charcoal grill that generates a lot of smoke and odor may be less than ideal. Think about what you're comfortable with (some people don't like the idea of dealing with the wood a charcoal grill requires) and what would fit best in your space.
On that note, think about what you want out of your outdoor kitchen. If you want to host memorable entertainment events, investing in a quality outdoor kitchen space is a wise long-term decision. For example, an outdoor refrigerator or keg can take your outdoor kitchen to the next level. Not only do they blow away guests and make the space more aesthetic, they give whoever is manning the grill much-needed utility and easy access to food and ingredients.
Finally, think about what kind of food you want to cook. We've already done most of the work for you in the grill run-down, but investing more time into research on your own may be wise.
Once you've decided, head to Queen City Audio Video Appliances. We have a variety of grills to choose from, including Big Green Egg, Napoleon, Lynx, Coyote, DCS and Traeger. We can also help you design your outdoor living space. To learn more about how we can help you create the ultimate outdoor entertainment experience, visit our website.


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